Chiropractic Care
What is it?
Chiropractic’s roots can be traced back to writings from China and Greece, 2700 B.C. and 1500 B.C respectively. However, chiropractic in the U.S. did not gain momentum until 1895 when D. D. Palmer, the “father of chiropractic” founded the profession and then the first school in Davenport, Iowa. Since then, chiropractic has spread throughout the United States and overseas.
The meaning of the word “chiropractic” means “by hand,” and this word was formed because chiropractors perform adjustments to return bones that have moved out of their optimal structural position back into place using their hands, rather than drugs or surgery. When the bones are realigned, this allows the body to heal itself to alleviate a variety of conditions, like pain and numbness and tingling.
What conditions does chiropractic help?
Chiropractic is typically associated with “headache, neck pain, and back pain” relief, but the reality is that chiropractic can do so much more than just relieve pain – it can realign your spine to allow the brain to send unimpeded nerve impulses down the spinal cord, out through the nerves to the rest of your body. In other words, it helps restore optimal functionality to your central nervous system. Because your nervous system controls your whole body – organs, muscles, cognitive thought – restoring the proper functioning to it through chiropractic care can help with many neuromusculoskeletal problems, ranging from asthma to frozen shoulder to numbness and tingling.
Dr. Pulley’s style of chiropractic
Dr. Pulley studied and practiced Advanced Biostructural Correction™ (ABC), a state-of-the-art form of treatment that addresses the underlying biostructural issues that many patients suffer from. She was also EndoNasal Cranial Correction by ABC™ certified.
However, over time, Dr. Pulley has evolved her style of chiropractic practice. She is no longer associated with ABC.
The Pulley Method: Her style of adjusting is very similar, but she has several additions, including adjusting the elbows, wrists, and fingers. It is also gentler, which is great for anyone who is nervous about trying chiropractic or has found that other providers are too “rough.”
Bonus: she doesn’t do the neck crack that most people do not like!
Want to schedule and try something new?
Give us a call at 978-237-5106!
To learn more about the Pulley Method, click here.
To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic, click here.

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